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Jonathan’s dream was to infuse musical theatre with a contemporary,joyful urban vitality. After 12 years of struggle as a classic ”starving artist,” his dream came true with the phenomenal Success of RENT. To celebrate his creative spirit and honor his memory,Jonathan’s family and friends created the Jonathan Larson performing Arts Foundation.

The mission of the Foundation is to provide financial support and encouragement to a new generation of musical theatre composers, lyricists and book writers, as well as nonprofit theatre companies that develop their work. It is one of the few places where individual creative theatre artists can turn for help. Grants are awarded with absolutely no strings attached.The money can be used for anything, from buying new sound equipment, to hiring babysitters in order to attend rehearsals, to paying the rent.

Each year, the Foundation receives over 150 applications, Which are carefully Viewed by readers, staff and trustees. The finalists are sent to a panel of noted theatre professionals to determine the final list of recipients and grant amounts. The awards are presented at a gala awards luncheon each February. It is amoment that frequently marks a turning point in the life of an exceptional new artist-another Jonathan is on his or her way.

The Foundation is funded in part by the Larson family with proceeds from RENT, as well as donations from trustees, corporate sponsors and other individuals. For infbrmation on how to support the Foundation, or to learn more about the application process, contact Nancy Kassak Diekmann,Executive Director,or visit the Foundation website: Jonathan Larson Performing Art Foundation, PO Box672,Prince Street Station,
New York, NY1OO12,(212)529−0814, www.jlpaf.org.

Jonathan Larson, creator of RENT, died suddenly of a misdiagnosed aortic dissection, thought to have been caused by Marfan syndrome. His death could have been prevented.

Outward features may suggest that a person has treatable heart problems. A person who has several features of Marfan syndrome should be checked by a doctor to see if they have the disorder. These features include:
  • Long legs and arms
  • Tall and thin body type
  • Curvature of the spine
  • Chest bone sinks in or sticks out
  • Long, thin fingers
  • Flexible joints, flat feet
  • Crowded teeth
  • Severe nearsightedness
  • Dislocated lens of the eye
  • Unexplained stretch marks on the skin
  • Mitral valve prolapsed(MVP)
  • Spontaneous collapse of the lung

The Larson family is determined that other families be spared the tragedy of a missed diagnosis of aortic dissection. They are working with the NationaI Marfan Foundation to raise awareness about Marfan syndrome and aortic dissection. Early diagnosis and proper medical care are essential.

Marfan syndrome:
Learn about it. Recognize it. Save a life.

For information contact
the National Marfan Foundation:

◆ 記事内容の日本語訳 ◆




Nancy Kassak Diekmann,Executive Director
the Foundation website: Jonathan Larson Performing
Art Foundation, PO Box672,Prince Street Station,
New York, NY1OO12,(212)529−0814, www.jlpaf.org.



  • 長い手足
  • 背が高くて痩せ型
  • 側わん
  • 漏斗胸あるいは鳩胸
  • 柔らかい関節、偏平足
  • 込み入った歯並び
  • 強度の近視
  • 水晶体のズレ
  • 皮膚に出る肉われ線
  • 僧帽弁の逸脱
  • 気胸



the National Marfan Foundation:


Copyright 2005 MNJ